DID I MENTION IT WORKS GREAT AS A PORTABLE FOR YOUR IBM, MAC, AMIGA, QL OR ATARI COMPUTER! What other palm top does this? A simple cable, disk and cartrdige from the dealer and it is ready to communicate with just about any other computer there is!
The QL computer was originally the brainchild of Sir Clive Sinclair of the UK and the company of Sinclair Research. For many who used it it was his greatest feat. But like many objects of greatness it was up to others to put it to good use and to expand upon it It was one of the first 16/32 bit computers, and aside from the Amiga computer, it was and remains one of the easiest to do true multi-tasking on. Oddly enough this all happened in 1983. At that time multi-tasking was not even a dream for the IBM compatibles. The original QL did not even come with disk drives (this was soon remedied) but had two built-in tape drives that were somewhat like either miniature tape back-up systems or eight track tapes of the 1970's. It also did not come with great sound (it was rather like the Sinclair Spectrum computer in sound capability) and offered only 8 colors. Since that time, these two have been remedied. More news on this on our page about the newest ways to expand and update a QL computer! Most present day users have other computers, but keep coming back to their QL for ease of use and a stable operating system, that is still making moderate technical advances while maintaining user access unknown on a PC.
It is now available in many ways to have this as an easily programable and fun to use fully multi-tasking computer for a fraction of what you would pay for a MAC or Pentium. You can get it as a plug-in ISA card, a fully funtioning software emulated operating system, or as an upgraded standalone QL, as well as the new Aurora PC cased version. Write or email for a full QL catalog. It has great software and hardware at reasonable prices. Send a request to John Rish at: 74601.1535@compuserve.com and ask him to fax or email you a catalog (he will need a fax number or mailing address.)
OWN A COMPUTER YOU CAN ACTUALLY PROGRAM YOURSELF, NOT JUST USE CANNED PROGRAMS ON! Would it not be nice to own a computer that is not going to need thousands of dollars each year just to keep it current? The user base is not the worlds largest, but they do have dedication to this machine. Fun and easy, and inexpensive!
Planet sinclair: PD and shareware files for Sinclairs Q BRANCH, UK QL dealer: A worldwide supplier for QL software and hardware T F Services, Uk hardware developer and dealer: Unique and affordable hardware enchancements for the QL Upgrading your Z88: Upgrading a Z88's ROM and RAM Upgrading a QL Computer: The latest hardware and software system upgrades Software for Amiga Computers: Online Catalog Home Electronic Services: John Rish - North America's Sinclair Dealer Timex Sinclair North America Users Group: The nationwide Sinclair Group |
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United States